The Castle Inn
Lydford, Devon, England.
Reputed to date back to 1550, the Castle Inn is situated alongside a considerably older structure: the notorious Lydford Castle - an infamous medieval prison from which the inn is said to derive the restaurant’s 12th century fireplace.
This, however, might paint the wrong picture of this pretty little inn which lies on the western slopes of Dartmoor National Park. Miserable medieval connections it might well possess, but it’s most notable historic claim-to-fame is somewhat more recent – it is said that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stayed here and that the building features in his most famous Sherlock Holmes novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles.
A perfect example of the saying “old buildings don’t subside, they just find a more comfortable way to sit”, there are few straight floors or ceilings to be found within. Indeed, the Castle Inn really does feel like it’s in another age altogether, with nooks and crannies a-plenty.
Offering just 8 bedrooms, the inn is just a short distance from the beautiful Lydford Gorge and its famous White Lady waterfall. The Devon-Cornwall border is nearby, while the impressive scenery of Dartmoor is within easy reach by car.
See the Historic Hotels in Devon index
This, however, might paint the wrong picture of this pretty little inn which lies on the western slopes of Dartmoor National Park. Miserable medieval connections it might well possess, but it’s most notable historic claim-to-fame is somewhat more recent – it is said that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stayed here and that the building features in his most famous Sherlock Holmes novel, The Hound of the Baskervilles.
A perfect example of the saying “old buildings don’t subside, they just find a more comfortable way to sit”, there are few straight floors or ceilings to be found within. Indeed, the Castle Inn really does feel like it’s in another age altogether, with nooks and crannies a-plenty.
Offering just 8 bedrooms, the inn is just a short distance from the beautiful Lydford Gorge and its famous White Lady waterfall. The Devon-Cornwall border is nearby, while the impressive scenery of Dartmoor is within easy reach by car.
See the Historic Hotels in Devon index
Online Booking and Reviews for The Castle Inn, Lydford
Castle Inn
Lydford Near Okehampton Devon EX20 4BH Reviews and Booking. Please note that plays no part in the actual review, booking or reservation process for this or any other accommodation. Costs for maintaining and developing Nights in the Past are met solely by it being the last referring site to our partners which results in a completed reservation. |
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