Oatlands Park Hotel
Weybridge, Surrey, England.

The existing house (opened as a hotel in 1856) has played host to several notable figures of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Edward Lear, Emile Zola and Anthony Trollope among them. However, the site itself is one of great historic significance, having been where Henry VIII built a remarkable palace.
Accounts suggest that the original structure covered as much as 7 acres and would certainly have been an impressive sight - large courtyards, decorative gateways and imposing octagonal towers. Indeed, it has been suggested that it was in the long-gone chapel that Henry married his fifth wife, Katherine Howard.
Though this original building has sadly been lost forever, guests will still be able to tread the same grounds upon which many English monarchs are known to have done: Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I, James I and Charles I are particularly worthy of note.
Moreover, it was at Oatlands Park that the Duke of York entertained the King of Prussia and Emperor of Russia following the victory at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
See the Historic Hotels in Surrey index
Accounts suggest that the original structure covered as much as 7 acres and would certainly have been an impressive sight - large courtyards, decorative gateways and imposing octagonal towers. Indeed, it has been suggested that it was in the long-gone chapel that Henry married his fifth wife, Katherine Howard.
Though this original building has sadly been lost forever, guests will still be able to tread the same grounds upon which many English monarchs are known to have done: Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I, James I and Charles I are particularly worthy of note.
Moreover, it was at Oatlands Park that the Duke of York entertained the King of Prussia and Emperor of Russia following the victory at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
See the Historic Hotels in Surrey index
Online Booking and Reviews for Oatlands Park
Oatlands Park Hotel
Oatlands Drive Weybridge Surrey KT13 9HB Reviews and Booking. Please note that nightsinthepast.com plays no part in the actual review, booking or reservation process for this or any other accommodation. Costs for maintaining and developing Nights in the Past are met solely by it being the last referring site to our partners which results in a completed reservation. |
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