Hostellerie de la Poste
Avallon, Burgundy, France.

With regret, Hostellerie de la Poste is not presently offering accommodation. This is a legacy page.
This Hotel de Charme has been providing accommodation for travellers since 1707, and remains an authentic French coaching inn to this day.
Its primary historic claim-to-fame is in that Napoleon is reputed to have rested here after his return from the island of Elba.
Hostellerie de la Poste offers thirty guest rooms in total, some of which are described as ‘heritage style’. The property also has its own bar and restaurant.
Dijon and Auxerre are both within easy reach by car.
More information to be uploaded soon.
See the Historic Hotels in Burgundy and Franche Comte index
This Hotel de Charme has been providing accommodation for travellers since 1707, and remains an authentic French coaching inn to this day.
Its primary historic claim-to-fame is in that Napoleon is reputed to have rested here after his return from the island of Elba.
Hostellerie de la Poste offers thirty guest rooms in total, some of which are described as ‘heritage style’. The property also has its own bar and restaurant.
Dijon and Auxerre are both within easy reach by car.
More information to be uploaded soon.
See the Historic Hotels in Burgundy and Franche Comte index
Online Booking and Reviews for Hostellerie de la Poste, Avallon
Hostellerie de la Poste
13, place Vauban 89200 Avallon France Reviews and Booking. Please note that plays no part in the actual review, booking or reservation process for this or any other accommodation. Costs for maintaining and developing Nights in the Past are met solely by it being the last referring site to our partners which results in a completed reservation. |
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