Grand Hotel Beauvau Vieux Port
Marseilles, Provence, France.
Without question, The Hôtel Beauvau Vieux-Port is the most historic hotel in Marseilles. First opened in 1816, the place recently underwent extensive restoration and continues to rate highly on independent hotel review websites. It is located close to the centre of Marseilles, overlooking the old harbour.
It is said that Georges Sand and Musset all stayed at the Beauvau Vieux Port during the nineteenth century, as indeed did musical luminaries such as Paganini and Chopin.
Four star rated, the hotel boasts over 70 guest rooms in all.
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See the Historic Hotels in Provence index
It is said that Georges Sand and Musset all stayed at the Beauvau Vieux Port during the nineteenth century, as indeed did musical luminaries such as Paganini and Chopin.
Four star rated, the hotel boasts over 70 guest rooms in all.
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See the Historic Hotels in Provence index
Online Booking and Reviews for Grand Hotel Beauvau Vieux Port, Marseilles
Grand Hotel Beauvau Vieux Port
4 rue Beauvau 13001 Marseille France Reviews and Booking. Please note that plays no part in the actual review, booking or reservation process for this or any other accommodation. Costs for maintaining and developing Nights in the Past are met solely by it being the last referring site to our partners which results in a completed reservation. |
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