Historic Hotels in Northern Ireland

The Londonderry Arms. Carnlough, County Antrim.
While there are plenty of places where Winston Churchill was formerly a guest, this early Victorian building was once owned by him.
While there are plenty of places where Winston Churchill was formerly a guest, this early Victorian building was once owned by him.

The Old Inn. Crawfordsburn.
Is this the most historic place to stay in the whole of Ulster? If the list of famous (and infamous) figures to have passed through its doors is anything to go by then it must surely be.
Is this the most historic place to stay in the whole of Ulster? If the list of famous (and infamous) figures to have passed through its doors is anything to go by then it must surely be.

Ballygally Castle Hotel. Near Larne, County Antrim.
What makes Ballygally Castle so special isn’t any links to great names from the past, but simply that it is a genuine fortress and the oldest place to stay in Northern Ireland.
What makes Ballygally Castle so special isn’t any links to great names from the past, but simply that it is a genuine fortress and the oldest place to stay in Northern Ireland.
How you can help: if you are aware of a historic hotel in Belfast or Northern Ireland that you believe ought to be included on the site, please contact us via email ([email protected]) in the first instance. Please note that these should have connections to famous people and events from the past.